Thursday, March 20, 2008

Week 7, Thing #17 Playing in the "sandbox"

Hey, that's my idea, #13, under Image Generators, in the sandbox! A few detours along the way -- hit edit before hitting the link, then had to log out and hit the link first, THEN hit edit. Oops - almost typed in the wrong place, beginning of the page instead of at the end. I think the best way for me to start using wikis, as suggested by blogger Laura Cohn (see my last entry, Thing #16), is with other teachers at my school in committee groups, etc., before trying it with students. One very practical reason for this is that we'll have to convince our IMS people this is a safe technology that won't violate AUPs on campus, so getting the bugs out with adult users only at first is a good first step. I took the PB Wiki tour, read the suggested articles and looked at the comparison charts of wiki-hosts, and still have lots of questions. Next step: fill out yet another "request to unblock" form -- so far all requests have been denied, but I'm optimistic that talking face to face will fix that.

1 comment:

IrmaPince said...

Worse case scenario - have your IT folks create an internal wiki. That is how I finally got around the blocks and then once they saw that it was "safe" they unblocked pbwiki.